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Falling for February...falling for love

Hannah Marie

As February is upon us, I am excited at the looming feeling of Love in the air. Afterall, it is so gravely needed these days. Valentine’s Day is a single day celebrated with the ones you love and an excuse to remind yourself and others that you in fact love them. But with COVID still circling the globe, political madness at every turn, my mind is craving a bit of extra love already in preparation for the day filled with hearts and candies. And I think, there is no better time than now to make LOVE a part of everyday this February and throughout all of 2021.

We have already begun the practice of our New Year’s Resolutions and hopefully not too many of us have quit already and found ourselves in month two of a new year, the NEW and GOD HELP US…BETTER year.

But what will allow us to ensure this year is better? Will it be actually attaining those New Year’s Resolution goals? Will it be COVID finally coming to an end with the vaccines finally being administered to the majority of the population? Will it be people finally waking up to the realities of racial inequalities and trying to either work on themselves to create a change or helping others in some way? Will it be getting that job or finally coming off of unemployment? Will it be solidifying that divorce or finding someone to share this thing called ‘life’ with?

Yes, I am certain any and or all of those things will increase the odds of 2021 outdoing the hell that was 2020. But I am almost certain there are two simple thing that can ensure 2021 eclipses that of 2020, positivity and love.

When we look at life as ‘glass half full’ everything changes. Our view of life changes and of everything around us or happening to us. When we ‘walk in love’ rather than hate or selfishness everything changes for those around us and more so within ourselves. You feel good when you give and receive love.

Have you ever had a complete stranger smile sincerely at you at the grocery store and allow you to go ahead of them? It is difficult not to smile back right. The flip side, have you ever had an asshole cut you off for no reason and then worse flip you off in the process? The usual response is certainly not a smile in return but perhaps a few choice words. Have you been stressed out and worried about something but then took a simple walk with the sun on your face and noticed the shimmer of fresh snow and how beautiful it actually can be, cold but beautiful? Then strangely enough looking and thinking of something positively changes your worry or stress to be somehow less worrisome and less stressful.

Positivity and a bit of love changes everything. It changes everything for you and for those around you. I know it can be difficult some days and even most days as we come off of the year for history books. But if we actively make valentine’s day a bit of everyday, we may just find that our hearts are filled throughout the year instead of the single day of hearts and candies.

So, love on my friends and allow yourself to fall for love again, this valentine’s day and everyday thereafter.


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